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Roadmap to your Dream Life

Roadmap to your Dream Life

Draw a wheel with 3 circles inside it.


Write on a separate piece of paper, your priorities across all aspects of your life. Think about:


Personal Growth








On the outer circle, split the circle equally between the priorities you have defined.  Put them in order to you on the wheel. 


On the inner circle, one by one log the goal you would like to achieve in each one in a defined timescale of your choice. It is important NOT to hold back on your desires and dreams. Don’t allow your mind to think that it is not possible, just write the goal that would make you happy in each section.


On a separate piece of paper, write down a list of options across each priority to reach your goal. Do not hold back on the options even if they seem impossible! Then go through each one which is ones will help you most realistically reach your goal with timescales aligned to each one


Now the hard part – think about the changes you need to make and what you are willing to do in order to achieve the life of your dreams and reach your true potential and happiness.


A Life Coach can help you with this by using the GROW model (Goal, Reality, Options & Will). They will help you to get clear on the “What” but more importantly will help you to navigate the how. This could be filled with barriers from your current reality, your mindset, your fears & beliefs – all of which a Life Coach will help you to overcome. And the best part is they will also hold you accountable to make this changes and create the life you’ve always dreamed of.